Saturday, March 22, 2008

Yasushi Yoshida -little grace

After 1 year and 9 months of waiting, noble, the label that brings “music for everyday life” is delighted to announce the new album “Little Grace” by Yasushi Yoshida.Yoshida’s first album “Secret Figure” celebrated musical impressionism of the new generation by masterly portraying the delicate sensations roused in everyday life through infinite layers of melodic instruments such as the piano, guitar and violin, mixed with the electronic sounds of electronica. 1 year and 9 months since then, the artist, now soaring to new heights, has proudly completed his second album, “Little Grace”.The most notable difference from the previous work is the dynamic use of live instruments. Here, the electronic sounds heard in the first album have hidden behind the shadows to be replaced by live drums, piano, guitar, violin, cello, bass, saxophone, clarinets, and even saws. The album is a parade of songs compiled through a dramatic orchestration of these live instruments. Yoshida brings meaning to every little sound produced by his trusted musicians, there is meaning in every break of music, every page turned on the musical score, every piano pedal stepped on, every breath of the horn, and every jump of the bow on a string instrument to create delicate and yet spectacular instrumental music.Based on an ensemble of live instruments, Yasushi Yoshida has expanded his expression by capturing elements such as “chaos”, “dynamism”, and “festivity” that could not be seen in his previous album. This album that starts in a melancholic mood which gradually turns into an overwhelming feeling of euphoria is an elegant, cinematic, and ever so beautiful storybook of sound without images or words that allows each listener to portray their own scenery in their hearts however they wish.

explosions in the sky-The Rescue

Explosions in the Sky是美国德州团,他们成团不到三年,第一张正式专辑以后,迅速窜红,在美国本地的巡回演出几乎没有休息的时间! 要介绍Explosions in the Sky的音乐,就一定要先说明什么叫大爆炸:所谓的大爆炸并不是真正的音乐术语,它是用来形容后摇滚在情绪堆栈到最高潮的时候,吉他的破音爆出一片难以形容的巨大音墙。被称为大爆炸的原因还有疯狂的鼓点释放出巨大的能量,因为整个乐团在同一个点进入这种抓狂的状态,所以听CD的时候常常有人会被吓一跳!这种类型的著名乐团,当然就是Mogwai,不过在情绪方面,Explosions in the Sky比较多元化,歌的长度也不像Mogwai那么长。 静谧悠远的铺陈,配器音色的转折,将张力堆栈到临界;情绪一下就被牵动,随着音乐起伏,时而气如游丝、时而充满能量。来自美国德州的Explosions In The Sky和来自英伦诸岛的同类型团体相较,少了一点阴蕴内沉的气息,多了如沙漠般荒凉的地景刻画。2001年,推出第一张专辑,马上获得媒体网络乐评的青睐,成为近来最令人期待的后摇滚之音!

他们的歌听不多,起初感觉蛮像mogwai 的,但听了这张后,咦。。还ok 哦。至少与mogwai 情感上的诠释是各有千秋及独特的。专辑整体曲风而言是蛮light 的,容易消化。可以try 一下。

Friday, March 21, 2008

Be with me

一部蛮感人的新加坡电影,来自eric khoo的作品


Sunday, March 16, 2008


死囚张真(张震 饰)知道自己已经没有多少日子了,性格暴烈怪僻的他即使选择并接受了死亡,也想要独自面对死亡。于是他试图用尖锥割喉自刎,不料想要把死亡提前的他的努力却落空了,结果只丧失了声音又再次回到了监狱。在冰冷,随时似乎可以闻到死神气息的那个地方,唯一等待着他的,是爱着他的小囚犯。但是,对张真来说,在这个世界上却没有任何让他迷恋的东西了。 室内设计师妍(朴智娥 饰)的生活本来毫无所缺,却在知道老公(夏正宇 饰)的外遇的那一刻,她开始了与原来相悖的生活。偶然地,失意的妍在电视里看到死囚张真的新闻,妍对他产生了奇妙的怜悯之情,为了见他找到了张真所在的监狱。妍亲自将自己小时侯经历过的死亡瞬间对张真全盘托出,不知为何她曾经紧闭的心门也慢慢向这个素未谋面陌生人打开了。 张真和妍的呼吸原本没有交集。这样的相遇将会把他们各自的生命领到哪里?妍寻思着能为即将告别人世的张真做点什么,决心一年四季给张真送礼物。曾经除了死没有其他想法的张真,妍的出现再次带给了他人生的温暖。经过持续的见面,两人产生了超越一般朋友关系的男女之情,但是妍的丈夫察觉到两人的异常关系,并开始阻止两人的爱情……